This past month, I've been road tripping around South Africa, introducing my BF to my roots and actually discovering places even I had never seen! We had such a jol
(South African slang meaning "fun"). Within a month we drove 9000kms, no corner was left unturned, we basically saw everything there was too see -
well almost we left a few places out for our next visit...smart of me hey, hehe). Anyways, along the road there were all these street vendors selling nicely crafted souvenirs. My boyfriend starts to bargain and I can't help but cringe as the prices keep getting lower and lower and lower. See I wasn't raised liked that, I can't bargain to save my soul, I always feel that I am cheating people out of their livelihood. So they finally agree on a ridiculously low price , and my boyfriend looks at me and says "Come on, don't be like that, he is still making a profit". That may be so, but I still felt uneasy as if we were cheating them. The funniest part was that along with the vendors I kept trying to get my boyfriend go up with the prices...Let's just say he was not very impressed with me! I'm a big softy -
changes have been implemented to change that facet of my personnality.
Everywhere we went the same kept happening, he would bargain and I would hide, and so it went until we arrived at the Rosebank Craft market in Johannesburg, where a huge sign read "THIS IS AFRICA, WE BARGAIN"! Needless to say my significant other took great pleasure in teasing me.....-time to work on 'em bargaining skills!!!

Photos: Just some of the items we brought back!
Wow great sculptures! And hey bargaining is the way forward!
Yeah I fell in love with the sculptures, especially the thinker! From now on I'll be bargaining everywhere I go...LOL, thanks for your comments
Nani, o teu "just after a blowjob" acabou de me MATAR!
A Elite
(you need no translation, right? tu falas português!)
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